Student Knowledge Exchange SIG

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  • 1.  SIG Central

    Posted 15-05-2024 12:04
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    Thank you to everyone that has completed the SIG structure survey or has been in touch with since our first meeting in March. I've collated the various suggestions to make the attached recommendation for taking things forward. Its a quick read so please do take a look and send me any feedback you may have.

    The key recommendation in there is allocating up to 6 Sub-Topic Leads, to chair a meeting each and facilitate ongoing discussion on each topic. If you are interested in this please get in touch with me. Once all are in place, I will work with the PraxisAuril team to set up the next few meetings. 

    However, don't feel the need to wait to bring up any topics of discussion you may have! Any questions, suggestions or examples you have for the group will always be welcome. 

    Leanne Kenyon
    Founder & Director
    ProjectMatch Ltd


  • 2.  RE: SIG Central

    Posted 16-05-2024 14:42

    Hi Leanne, might be my end, but I'm getting an error saying I can't connect the the service when I try and open the attachment. Is anyone else able to open it? 

    Jonathan Powell
    Head of Enterprise and Innovation Services
    Lancaster University

    President of Lancaster and District Chamber of Commerce
    Former Chair of EEUK
    Director of Employer Solutions Ltd

  • 3.  RE: SIG Central

    Posted 24-05-2024 10:37
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    Thanks Jonathan, I'll try it as a PDF... any better? 

    Leanne Kenyon
    Founder & Director
    ProjectMatch Ltd


  • 4.  RE: SIG Central

    Posted 30-05-2024 09:24

    I'm afraid I'm still seeing a word document not a PDF and getting the same error. 

    Jonathan Powell
    Head of Enterprise and Innovation Services
    Lancaster University

    President of Lancaster and District Chamber of Commerce
    Former Chair of EEUK
    Director of Employer Solutions Ltd

  • 5.  RE: SIG Central

    Posted 12-06-2024 13:10

    Hi everyone,

    I've tried adding the document directly to the library instead - it seems to open for me, but, I added it so I can't trust that! But please let me know if it's still not working


    Leanne Kenyon
    Founder & Director
    ProjectMatch Ltd

  • 6.  RE: SIG Central

    Posted 13-06-2024 11:17

    I can access the documents now, thank you Leanne. 

    Best wishes


    Jackie Fotheringham
    Knowledge Exchange Manager
    University of Greenwich